terça-feira, 22 de setembro de 2009

Am I selfish? Tough.

Hey, kids! Guess who's back? No...Michael Jackson is still dead. Yeah, well...Moving on.
Today I'm gonna talk to you about selfishness. I know, I know. Everyone, primarily mommy and daddy tells you that being selfish is wrong, that you should always think of others before thinking of yourself and other personality crippling crap they remember. Well, guess what? (Now you say what) selfishness is one of your best pals ever! Think about it this way, if you don't take your time to appreciate yourself, to make yourself happy and to take control of your own life...Who's gonna do it for you? That guy who is always trying to screw you to get ahead? Nope. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that when you see an old lady getting her purse jacked, you should point at her and laugh. No. I'm just trying to make you realize that before caring and doing things for others, because (you feel) you have to, you need to be at ease with the good ol' self. Now, here's the funny bit...When you've become unbelievably selfish that you think only of yourself before anything else...You'll be more inclined to selflessly help others, because you just won't care! Ain't it fun?


Live for yourself -- there's no one else more worth living for.
Begging hands and bleeding hearts will only cry out for more

Neil Peart-

sexta-feira, 26 de junho de 2009


A unique characteristic, that in my point of view everyone has. The ones, who are called to be creative, are the ones who explore it and don’t have the shame to show it to the world. These people own the capacity to understand that it might actually be something creative, outstanding, uncommon, and trust worthy of a real appreciation from people who ether care or are interested in it.

Someone creative, in my point of view, would be someone that doesn’t expect some congratulations for being unique, but mostly be surprised to be called creative. As the fact to creative people something creative is something normal to them, by saying this it may sound stupid or too damn obvious, but the only thing that makes it normal to creative people and not to others is that they don’t follow the normal/standard thoughts/patterns of life that the most of people who think they aren’t creative follow. I’m saying that something creative is something that has a bit of the personality, of the person who created, engraved on it. And by just simply not being afraid of the surrounding or ashamed, the creator shows the simple thing to him and an outstanding unusual thing to the others who are into that sort of things.

As I’m writing this I do not know if all of you agree or think ‘’how the hell can you say that!? Where can you get that opinion from?! ‘’, but I’ve been told that these posts I make in my blog are something that it isn’t normal, something that they are not used to, something that they actually think is good (by they I refer to the people who told me about these posts). But when I get that I simply just get stunned, I don’t believe it is hard or something that comes from the other world… I just set my mind free and don’t mind the consequences, and let my heart go along so my personality gets throughout as well. In fact is just a combination of my English knowledge with my thoughts that I’m not afraid to share with the rest of the world.

So in a way, I say to all of you that may want to be creative, that the most important thing is to think for yourself and do play along other people who doesn’t know what they truly are playing, do not be afraid to get embarrassed to show to your crowd of people that you are good at something or care for it and do it in a different way. Just be sure your crowd goes alike for it, don’t show to an analphabet the most beautiful poetry, don’t show a punk the sweatiest ballad, basically don’t show something creative to someone who doesn’t even care or is interested in those things.


An appeal to the people who are too restricted, so they get loose, be creative and stop being afraid of other people's thoughts.

Made by: Atanásio

Stay connected!
Take care!

terça-feira, 23 de junho de 2009

Complexity of mind and body...

Why do we always seek for improvement, and always try to achieve perfection?!

- We see flaws everywhere, and we can’t acknowledge that there is no road to perfection. We are who we are and no more can be done. You are who you are, no one can take the real details/characteristics that makes the whole concept of you. The end. You may see people better than you, but you only see in them the things you wanted to do, and for that keep pushing yourself towards to get that. We are all different in every single way.
- What some have others don’t, when one can be pretty, the other can be ugly. The pretty one can be stupid, and live for something that might have in his/her mind. The ugly one can be the one contributing for the society and making this world something better, while the pretty one does zero.
- Get fit for you, for body respect and self treatment, but don’t get fit because you get told you are fat, no embarrassment in that. If for you its important get changed do it… but don’t do it for trying being perfect or others that you may try to impress.

Why can’t we just accept the concept of how we are!?

- By accepting yourself, you’re making the true image of you, not the result of the environment. And when you accept yourself you stop being afraid of showing yourself out there. You won’t get words affect your inner being. They actually might if they really are true words transmitting that something is wrong with you.
- I can’t tell everyone how to accept their characteristics, but I sure can say to stop mumbling around and stop trying to be perfect for others.
- Be in control of you, not someone else.

The complexity of the mind and body relys on a basic line, for to be in control of one, you have to get the other one mastered.

''Have no fear of perfection. You will never reach it'' by Salvador Dali

Not dedicated but in a way got the basic thoughts from xXx.
Not dedicated because you would get too confident, and you have get there by yourself.

Made by: Atanásio

Stay connected!
Take care!

When life is down...

I see grey. I see grey everywhere. Grey meaning that life sucks. Grey meaning that everything has no sensations and emotions on it. Grey meaning that you’re living in a lack of motivation. Grey meaning that you just keep standing till something changes you. Grey that keeps surrounding like a fog getting more and more intense. Grey which could be worked by people to be turned into something more alive but it isn’t. Grey that surrounds almost everyone, at least times to times.

For the people involved in that immense grey, I just say ‘’get out of that...’’, nothing is better than a cheerful life full of color. A simple grey life is something that needs to be avoided, because it isn’t just we which get infected by it, but it works like radioactivity, the more grey you carry, the more grey you send to people. And we simply cant just decide for our own if other people should have the same kind of life that we do. Everyone has his/her life and mustn’t affect others. I know it that grey only passes around if the receptor is weak and easily touched by others, but still it might not get grey into everyone but it will pass to the environment that surrounds you.

To surpass this barrier, we all shall keep our heads up and live like we mean to not like we have got to. NO! Keep up, leave your little corner quiet, and get into the world, stop hiding and meet new people. Stop going after the same things and try something different. Stay on track and don’t look back. Do not regret your moves, just regret the time you wasted on recovering. Just don’t grab to something for too long. Learn to let go.

Acknowledge the fact, ‘’bleed it all out’’ for once then rise up and patch yourself up.
Don’t stand in between, be sad and mean to be sad or be actually realized and happy.


Made by: Atanásio

Stay connected!
Take care!

sexta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2009


Have you ever walked in a room and noticed how there is always someone who seems like he owns the place and has a lot of people around him? Or how about that person everyone seems to avoid? What's the biggest difference between these two? Aren't they normal human beings? Don't they deserve similar "love" from others? Actually, no. You see, one of the most important things that set the tone for how others interact with us is social status. And what is social status, you wonder? Well, without getting in too deep on the subject, I’ll just say it's the combination of your social skills, sense of humor and your ability to keep people interested in you. So, logically, everybody wants to be around someone they PERCEIVE as high status. That’s right, perceive. The beauty of this is that you CAN make others BELIEVE your high status, even if your not.
Beware, though, that being thought of as low status will pretty much “kill” your social life…And I’m pretty sure you know how that feels like…So, all this sounds simple…right folks? Well, to some extent it is. If you practice your skills long enough, there’ll come the time when you’ll see yourself surrounded by people who really wanna be like you. And then, what are you gonna do, laugh at or smile upon the “misfit”?
Johnny out

sábado, 31 de janeiro de 2009


That little thing that makes people do questions, experiment new stuff and make you have a route in life. The thingy that makes you wonder through life. The thing that make us stand where we are in technology mainly, but of course it is because of it that we got the motive to do all sort of actions, experimenting stuff.

By technology I refer to the stuff every can easily relate to curiosity. The apple of Newton, and so on... curiosity is and always will be the engine of our lives. As it keeps us going on everyday hoping that something that would change our lives to appear, that we meet someone new that can change our heart.

Curiosity is a part of everyone’s lives… if not it MUST be part of it. Why? You wonder. Because it just doesn’t make sense having a life that you keep going on and on, doing every days stuff and knowing your future because every day is exactly the same. Life just doesn’t make reason if you live your perfect blue-sky life where no cloud can go into your sky. Life just doesn’t seems right to be all easily taken, when knowing your tomorrows obstacles. If you are easily taken by curiosity, you will easily not end up having a routine. But if you aren’t, you must have the guts to be curious, you must have willpower to adventure out of your perfectly designed life-path, as you will never know what is your favorite kind of food if you don’t try new foods… you will never know the true feeling of pain if you don’t put yourself out there for a fight or a risk… you will never know the true feeling of love if you do not go out and find so you can try chase it… you will never know the true feeling of friendship if you don’t try to meet new people… you will never know the true feeling of adrenaline if you don’t try to do something dangerous or thrilling… you will never know how life ends if you try to live till no end.

I might have lost a bit of my point there but… basically if you don’t put yourself out there to run over new coming stuff you will die in the expectation of what that would have been like. Of course that there are limits, extremes of curiosity... and that’s the point that where everyone has to get common sense, know when not to and when to stop.

Some things aren’t meant to be touched, just keep the hands inside your pocket.


Made by: Atanásio

Dedicated to whom makes me feel and write

Stay connected!
Take care!

terça-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2009

Fake people

Fake people. The bastard cousins of plastic people. This is the lowest a human being can go. And to top it off, they're everywhere. Yup, just like cockroaches. So, I thought I'd give you a heads up and tell you to open your eyes and use your brain (only if you don't do drugs, 'cause if you do...look, a poney!). How to know if someone is a fake person? Well, without actually interacting quite a bit with them and study how they act in a given situation...you can't. Unless you're a pro psychologist...but I'm willing to bet your mom that you're not. You can, however, recognise some subtle traits that can give you a little picture of whom you're dealing with. What are these traits, you eager folks ask? Well, to tell you the truth, there are a lot of them. So, I'm writing some I believe to be important and you can add more on the good ol' comment section. Good? Good.
Those people don't really want be seen in public with you. I kinda don't fully agree with this one,
because it's too ambigous, but what the hell. They treat you differently than they do others, usually by being too nice. Again, this one's a bit ambiguous. They only talk to you when they want something. They always expect something in return. Either it is a favour or material stuff. They talk about you behind your back. Sure everyone talks about everyone talks about everyone in their back, but these people ALWAYS talk trash. About what? You, of course.

Since I don't have to remind to watch out for these...beings,
Johnny out

segunda-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2009

Every person has a story...

Every person has a story, which makes us who we are. And as we live up our life, we change that story every single day with our choices.

This story makes us the person who we choose to be, the emo person who saves everything for himself not letting anything out, the extroverted person who doesn’t stop talking, the guy who does not really care what others may think of his/her actions, the cool one which only wears new fashion clothes and thinks he is the best … everyone and every type of person has a story. The story of “you”. The story of your inner being.

The story which brings us to a certain point and we’ve got to take it to another. By this I mean that as we run our paths we become that person that everyone knows and everyone feels good with. And at that point, where you stand at either a new or the same old environment, you do something new or an old routine, but all this makes you realize that you are not right, that you need to change or the action changes you. Either way this always leaves a remarkable mark on your life, the turning point.

When people reach ‘’the turning point’’, they usually feel strange at the new environment but inside realize that somehow it is the right one. At this case GO FORWARD and KEEP ON, do not bother with the past but prepare the future. Just don’t feel sorry because The World is changing as you are too. Don’t regret it, because if it isn’t right, a new turning point in your path will come shortly. And this will be the new story that made you reach go as far as you are and not as you were, ‘’the old you’’.

Every person has a story. A story we make every day, a story to be told, a story to be listened to, a story to be written, a story to… end at the end.


Made By: Atanásio

Dedicated to: Obama ( Get inspired and save our World )

Stay connected!
Take care!

sábado, 17 de janeiro de 2009

Creatures of habits

Humans are creatures of habits. We tend to do the same things over and over again, even not knowing it. This, my friends, is the source of a lot of our problems. For instance, when your ex asks you to get back together, even though she/he broke up with you and, while you were together, she/he brought you nothing but pain and misery...why do you go back to her/him? Simple. Because you're an idiot...oh, I mean...because you are in your comfort zone. Dunno what this is? Allow me to explain. The comfort zone is that state of mind in which you feel at ease, where you pretty much have control over everything. So, using the example...why is it going back to your ex (pain) your comfort zone? It's because you've been through it before, long enough to know just what to expect and you pretty much know hows things will go down. So, you'd rather make the same MISTAKE again and be miserable only because you've been there, done that before. Now, that is only one of many examples, but the mechanism is always the same. It feels like the human mind has one little program that makes people go all "oh I want to change! I know that if I tried, I'd have what I want! But what if I try and fail? Oh...I won't try, I'd better do the same thing over and over again, at least I know what to expect..." That, people, is what I call Fail 6.0 (catchy name for a deadly "program", eh?). One of Fail 6.0 subprograms is...yeah, you guessed it...the comfort zone. Now that you're familiar with these concepts and aware of what they do, I can pass on a little message. CHANGES are awesome! Starting something new, experiencing the journey, the discovery, fiercelessly, not knowing what lies beyond...(if you don't understand why I was talking about journeys, just assume I said experience new things, by acknowledging the existence Fail 6.0 and shutting it down) To sum it up, get off your comfort zone, learn from your mistakes and change what you need to!


PS: on your way out, check our souvenir store...Oh wait...we don't have one?...Damn...

sexta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2009

Trust and how to

‘’What people don’t say to the family, don’t say to friends… say to a stranger in a tavern.’’ – quoted from Eça de Queiros

And why is that?!
Because people don’t seem to understand the real meaning of trust nowadays. Trust is that little something that brings people to their most fragile point, that point which can be assimilated to a brain surgery. And why, you wander around. Because at that point you (the trusted one) with a single act can rip apart all his/her world, by thinking too far ahead before acting, by acting recklessly, by simply wanting to embarrass him/her or even by trying to make something good but at the end, you fucked it up even more.

And when a person decides to resort to a stranger instead of family or friends, (it may look way awkward for the most of you but…) it is because they somehow know that in a way the truth would always change family/friends minds, and going for a stranger it would only diminish the consequences in the field of family/friends group. Basically the stranger would not somehow have anything against you and nothing that he could do after you’ve opened with him/her.

And by this I want to point out that nowadays the most common error is that people seek out people who they feel very friendly with and just think that nothing will go wrong, but somehow it almost always goes… because the one thing you need to go well is the right person to trust and not the friendliest.


Made By: Atanásio

Stay connected!
Take care!

terça-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2009

Plastic people

Have you ever noticed how there is always someone (actually there's more than one, but w.e) who acts just like everybody else in a group? That one person who does the exact same thing as the others? He/she whose opinion (if he/she ever has one...) changes according to the opinion of the majority? Of course you do. I call 'em plastic people. Nothing about them is real. They're just what they THINK others want them to be! They believe life's only a beauty contest and so, they do what they think will impresse the judges. I mean, how stupid can one be as to live just for some random stranger's (or even people they know) approval? By the time they actually wise up, stop kissing everyone else's ass and start thinking by themselves (if they ever do...) it'll be too late. Noone will ever really want anything to do with them (but egomaniacs, people who just wanna use 'em and overall people who are not worth anyone's time) and they just won't know who to be, since they spent their whole lives being what they were told to be. The funny thing is, they actually thought that people liked 'em, so they don't understand why they got tired of 'em...

The point of this little rant is:

1. Be yourself
2. Never do anything just because you think others want you to, or because you're expected to
3. If you notice someone around acting like they just want your approval, confront them and tell 'em to cut that out

Johnny out

segunda-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2009


Why people always got to be so restricted!?

Why people always got to care ... mainly about how they look good and cool to other people!?

Why people cannot just be themselves!?


Why people always got to stay on domination!?

Why people always got to stay on top!? and not stay as they should act… in their place...

Why people can’t have at least the lower of the common sense!?

Why can’t people see how they should react.. and not counter!?

Why do people always try to judge everyone, but not themselves!?

Why do people can’t look outside themselves, to see how they act?!

Just BE yourself, don’t really take up much work on your Looks/image, you are the one who makes it... by having a good posture and relationship with those who surround you!

Don’t change your inner self because of others... change it because you realize it is a bad one!

Don’t try to be something u are not... be YOU, not someone who has to BE BIGGER than the others !... u just need to be polite and stay in your character... don’t sweep! stick with
your being...



Stay connected with us, and u will learn something!

From atanásio (made by…)
edited by jonnhy


domingo, 11 de janeiro de 2009

New guy

Hey! Johnny here! I'm here to say hi, so...Hi y'all.
I'm here to show you the Light! To open your eyes and...nah, I'm just here to write stuff along with Mr. Atanasio, who hired me xD So anyways, stick around...you might find something you like...but if you don't...well, it's your problem, Mr/Miss.

segunda-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2009

the new me (in progress) - 2

... I will got to keep moving, no matter which troubles
I got or will have.

... I will got to figure my ways by my own or else will
be marked for childish forever, the childish I still got
within me and can’t get over it or no1 else will do it for me.

... i will got to learn how to control myself from my
problematic self, the one who has caused all sort of problems
throughout my life, and not only problems but as well as
relationships, which have been ruin by him who cant
or couldn’t control his rage/anger.

... I will got to try to be more rational than emotional,
like I was before this new my arrived, or else I will be a rush
and non-thinking guy (doing things non thinking of the consequences). Still
I got to figure a balance and not completely omit this emotion part
or I will be cold and harsh as before.

... I will focus myself on future and not waste my present to
have no future.

sexta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2009

the new me (in progress) - 1

the real me is back, from long asleep for the feelings I once turned off, because of the several damage I’ve had taken, I chose the path of which I call ''let it go and bother not even with u'', which I had hope for to end in death or loneliness.

now that I realize this path was never going to last forever, since I always looked at it by the wrong way, by the way i hoped that turned me into a martyr or something like that ( the guy who for some unknown reason gave himself away for others or to realize others of all the mistakes everyone has make and the wrong path in which everyone was choosing)...

now that the new year has brought nothing i asked but something which was rejected before, because of the endless pain for it gained...

Now that not some1 but more than one woke up the real me, and who has had a gently awakening since the last year which was for a preparation for this year’s emotions, which is a bigger amount of feelings I cant counter. That in the past I easily and quickly dodged for to not really dodge the good at the present but the incoming suffering of the future...

Now that the New Year brought back an ancient box of my inner being, which contains all the feelings, emotions, real reactions and not ignore of actions...