terça-feira, 22 de setembro de 2009

Am I selfish? Tough.

Hey, kids! Guess who's back? No...Michael Jackson is still dead. Yeah, well...Moving on.
Today I'm gonna talk to you about selfishness. I know, I know. Everyone, primarily mommy and daddy tells you that being selfish is wrong, that you should always think of others before thinking of yourself and other personality crippling crap they remember. Well, guess what? (Now you say what) selfishness is one of your best pals ever! Think about it this way, if you don't take your time to appreciate yourself, to make yourself happy and to take control of your own life...Who's gonna do it for you? That guy who is always trying to screw you to get ahead? Nope. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that when you see an old lady getting her purse jacked, you should point at her and laugh. No. I'm just trying to make you realize that before caring and doing things for others, because (you feel) you have to, you need to be at ease with the good ol' self. Now, here's the funny bit...When you've become unbelievably selfish that you think only of yourself before anything else...You'll be more inclined to selflessly help others, because you just won't care! Ain't it fun?


Live for yourself -- there's no one else more worth living for.
Begging hands and bleeding hearts will only cry out for more

Neil Peart-

1 comentário:

  1. Hi johnny :P

    De facto um pouco de egoismo até faz bem, se eu não pensar em mim mesma primeiro, ninguem vai pensar
    Mas tambem um egoismo extremo q se vive nos dias hoje em q as pessoas fazem de tudo para subir na vida pisando os outros tambem é mau =X

